2024 Spring Meeting

Saturday, March 18, 2024
Cary Academy

Our guest speaker at the Spring Meeting will be Helga Fasciano, Executive Director of FLANC.Helga isretired from the NC Department of Public Instruction, where she was the World Language Consultant, Section Chief and Special Assistant for Global Education. In the morning session,Helga will speak on the topic of the university enrollment report and the new state change in the UNC Admissions requirements beginning in 2024. Helga will give a quick overview but also a chance to formulate thinking around how to continue to advocate for world language learning at all levels and what pathways we could take advantage of to make that learning relevant and visible given these requirement changes.

Additionally, the new Honorary Consul for Germany for Eastern NC, Dagmar Fahr, will tell us about her work before lunch and provide a cool photo op!

 In the afternoon, we will have our NC-AATG Business Meeting, where important topics include a wrap-up of German Day, voting for a new NC-AATG Vice President, and honoring our retiring member Dr. Beverly Moser and our outgoing President, Dr. Christina Weiler.

9:00-9:30 am: Registration, Coffee
9:30- 10:45 am: Helga Fasciano
10:45-11:00 am: Break
11:00 am-12:00 pm: Dagmar Fahr: Honorary Consul
12:00-1:00 pm Lunch: catered by Panera
1:00 pm: 2024 German Day Wrap-up
1:30-3:00 pm: NC-AATG Business Meeting

Please register at the link below by March 9, 2024

CEU certificates will be distributed. Lunch is included in the $25 registration fee, which you can either mail directly to Linda Horvath or submit at the meeting. (see email for Linda’s address) 

Parking Info: Parking is available in any of the Cary Academy parking lots. You may enter from the intersection of Cary Parkway and N. Harrison Ave., or from Research Drive. The address for the school is 1500 N. Harrison Ave., Cary, NC 27513.  The meeting will take place in the Administration Building, which is located between the Middle School and Upper School on the roundabout (with the columns). Take the elevator to the second floor, and we will be in room A203. There will be signs!

We hope to see you all soon. Bis bald!

Herzliche Grüße,
Wendy Burgbacher
Pronouns: she/her
Upper School World Language Department Chair
Upper School German Teacher, GAPP German Exchange Program Coordinator
VP, NC Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of German

 “Die Grenzen meiner Sprache bedeuten die Grenzen meiner Welt.“- Ludwig Wittgenstein

(The limits of my language are the limits of my world.)