The Duden Award is presented annually to an outstanding teacher to honor efforts and achievement in teaching German. The 2010 recipient is Petra Martignoni of Raleigh Charter High School. We have so many great and dedicated teachers in North Carolina that this award is a difficult one to assign to only one of you. The decision was based on test participation and achievement (of Petra’s 15 German 2 students who took the exam, 6 scored above 90th percentile, one of those had the highest – perfect – score in the state) and a secret consultation with the local Heinzelmännchen who live on the shelves behind the German literature books in the Davidson College library. Alle Achtung, Frau Kollegin!

The Langenscheidt Award is given annually for outstanding effort and achievement in the study of German. We’re pleased to announce that Freddy Landess, a German 2 student of Ursula Maliszewski at Charlotte Country Day School, is the 2009 winner. Freddy had one of the two highest grades on the level-2 exam. Freddy was also a very strong applicant for the AATG summer study trip. Congratulations to both!!
GLOW National German Achievement Award
This year’s GLOW National German Achievement Award goes to Douglas Joyner, a student of Ursula Maliszewski at Charlotte Country Day School. (GLOW stands for the German Language Opportunities Website. Have a look!)
Congratulations, Douglas!